Workplace Innovations · · 3 min read

How Groundswell is Disrupting Corporate Philanthropy

In episode 192 of the Disruptors for GOOD podcast, I speak with Jake Wood, Founder and CEO of Groundswell, on disrupting corporate philanthropy and workplace giving through Donor Advised Funds. Listen on Spotify. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen to more Causeartist podcasts. Workplace giving program

Groundswell is Disrupting Corporate Philanthropy with Modern Workplace Giving

In episode 192 of the Disruptors for GOOD podcast, I speak with Jake Wood, Founder and CEO of Groundswell, on disrupting corporate philanthropy and workplace giving through Donor Advised Funds.

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Workplace giving programs are an excellent way for companies to empower employees to make a positive impact on causes they care about.

However, managing these programs efficiently can be time-consuming and challenging. That’s where Groundswell comes in.

With its user-friendly platform, Groundswell simplifies donation matching, gifting, and volunteering programs, allowing employees to effortlessly contribute to the causes that matter most to them.

About Jake Wood

Jake Wood is a former U.S. Marine and the founder and CEO of Groundswell, a venture-backed software company focused on democratizing philanthropy by combining fintech, benefits tech, and charity.

Prior to Groundswell, Wood was the founder and CEO of Team Rubicon, a renowned disaster response organization.

Under his leadership, Team Rubicon grew to become one of America’s leading nonprofits, recruiting over 150,000 volunteers and responded to nearly 1,000 disasters and humanitarian crises

Jake Wood, Founder and CEO of Groundswell

Wood also played a significant role in raising approximately $300 million for Team Rubicon through various means, including online donor acquisition, family foundations, and corporate partnerships.

The organization scaled to 200 full-time employees across four offices and operated a $55 million P&L. Team Rubicon gained recognition for its corporate culture and technological innovation through collaborations with companies like Microsoft, Twilio, and Palantir.

Furthermore, his memoir, “Once A Warrior,” achieved best-seller status on Amazon and received praise from Tom Brokaw.

Groundswell Features

Streamlined Management

No more administrative burdens. Say goodbye to hours spent collecting donation receipts, vetting charities, and tracking volunteer hours.

Groundswell takes care of all the busy work, freeing up your time to focus on making a meaningful impact on your employees. By providing them with their own personal foundation powered by a donor-advised fund, the platform ensures a hassle-free setup process.

Quick and Easy Setup

Unlike other platforms, Groundswell expedites the setup process, allowing you to launch your program in record time. With Groundswell, you can start making a difference in hours, not months.

Insights and Reporting

Understanding the causes your employees care about is vital for creating a company-wide impact. The platform provides valuable insights into your employees’ philanthropic preferences and enables you to generate comprehensive reports on your giving program’s effectiveness.

This data-driven approach helps you make informed decisions and showcase your company’s positive contributions.

Valuable Program Resources

Searching for suitable charities and resources can be time-consuming. Groundswell simplifies the process by offering a centralized platform where you can find valuable resources related to key issue areas.

Spend less time researching and more time making a difference during crucial moments.

Effortless Program Management

Whether it’s employee matching, gifting, or volunteering, Groundswell has got you covered. Simply provide your employee list and corporate giving rules, and let Groundswell handle the rest.

Matching and Gifting Made Simple

The platform automates fund matching, ensuring that your employees’ contributions are multiplied in their Personal Giving Accounts.

Additionally, you can send charitable stipends to employees’ giving accounts during significant milestones, such as work anniversaries or promotions. Groundswell makes it easy to celebrate these moments while fostering a culture of giving.

Unlimited Personal Giving Accounts

Unlimited Personal Giving Accounts

Groundswell provides employees with a simple and secure mobile app to save, donate, and track all their giving funds in one place. This user-friendly interface enhances their giving experience and encourages ongoing participation.

Seamless Volunteering Experience

Logging volunteer hours has never been easier with Groundswell’s mobile app. Employees can conveniently track their volunteer activities, making it simpler for you to generate volunteer matches. Encourage and recognize employee volunteerism effortlessly.

Comprehensive Corporate Grants

The platfrom goes beyond employee gifting and matching by enabling you to leverage the platform for all your corporate grant-making initiatives. Streamline your grant process and maximize your impact by utilizing Groundswell’s robust features.

Data-driven Reporting

Stay updated on the status and utilization of your giving program with real-time data reporting. Gain valuable insights into the causes your employees support and measure the effectiveness of your philanthropic efforts.

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