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The Must Have Ethical Tech Product for Digital Nomads and Travelers

The sustainable travel movement is growing steadily across the world and watching it blossom is incredibly beautiful. Travel that positively impacts humans, animals and the planet. Isn’t that the way we should have always been traveling? Platforms connecting travelers to resources focused on social


The sustainable travel movement is growing steadily across the world and watching it blossom is incredibly beautiful. Travel that positively impacts humans, animals and the planet. Isn’t that the way we should have always been traveling?

Platforms connecting travelers to resources focused on social and environmental impact in destinations around the world, are making it easy for travelers to choose responsible accommodation, restaurants and activities.

Like Lokal Travel. But connecting travelers to products that won’t leave a stain on our environment is still a struggle.

Basic toiletries, like sustainably made bamboo toothbrushes and straws, are easy to access but more handy products (like the ones that make all the difference to travelers!) are a little more difficult to access.

The Must Have Ethical Tech Product for Digital Nomads and Travelers
E-Waste Recycling from Nimble

In 2014, approximately 41.8 million tons of e-waste was generated worldwide. The United States was responsible for 28% of this insane amount of electronic waste. And sadly, only about 15% of e-waste is actually recycled.

According to a recent report by EPA, everyday we dispose of 416,000 mobile devices and 142,000 computers either by recycling, or trashing to the landfill.

We need to change our ways, especially when these products end up in landfills across the world we have no business adding to.

Ethical Tech Product for Digital Nomads

This is why we love Nimble. For us digital nomads and social impact lovers who are always on the go, we need a portable charger that is going to keep us fueled while on the move.

The family of Nimble products

Nimble makes portable chargers and tech products made from sustainable materials, like recyclable aluminum and plant-based bioplastics. They are super sleek, featuring soft-touch TPE which requires less energy to produce, and are also 100% free of plastic packaging and harmful inks and dyes.

The social impact brand has also partnered with Homeboy Recycling to help make recycling e-waste easy and accessible.

Every product comes with a disposal pouch to empower you to responsibly recycle your old e-waste. Simply print the pre-paid label from Nimble’s website and send it to their team to recycle your e-waste for free!

Nimble is simply the definition of tech for good.

Ross Howe, CEO and Co-Founder of Nimble

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